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J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

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J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

HazCom Training: GHS Container Labels Online Training Course - Spanish

Learn about the Hazard Communication Standard and how understanding container labels can help you stay safe when working with chemicals.

Product Code:64455

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Available in English and Spanish.

Update to be published and available soon, once revisions are completed based on the 5/20/2024 OSHA HazCom final rule. While the rule takes effect 7/19/2024, the compliance dates don’t begin kicking in until 1/19/2026 per 29 CFR 1910.1200(j).

Hazardous chemicals are needed to help manufacture many of the products we use on a daily basis. In fact, one out of every four workers in the U.S. comes into contact with hazardous chemicals while on-the-job.

The potential for accidents, incidents, and injuries is always present when people work with, or are in the vicinity of, hazardous chemicals. But, by knowing and understanding the basic nature of those chemicals and how to safely work with or around them, people can greatly decrease any risk that might be present.

This training is designed to help learners understand more about Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard and how understanding container labels can help you stay safe when working with chemicals.

  • The eLearning course covers the following topics:
    • The HazCom Standard
      • Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
    • Intro to Container Labeling
      • Label Elements
      • DOT Labels
      • Supplementary Information
    • How to Use Container Labeling
      • Employer Requirements
  • After completing this course, learners will be able to:
    • Describe how the Hazard Communication Standard keeps you safe from the dangers of hazardous chemicals
    • Explain what information can be found on each chemical’s container label
    • Describe how container labels can help you work safety with chemicals
  • Intended Audience: All employees who have an exposure or a potential for exposure to hazardous chemicals
  • Regs Covered: 29 CFR 1910.1200
  • Length: 15 minutes
  • Languages: Available in English or Spanish
  • Copyright Date: 2021

Compliance Topic: Hazard Communication (HazCom) & GHS

Format: Online Course

Industry: Workplace Safety / EH&S

Language: Spanish