Vehicle Inspections and Maintenance
Vehicle inspections and truck maintenance can help you control costs and keep drivers safe on the road. A properly executed vehicle inspection can help your drivers:
- Discover unsafe conditions before they cause accidents or crashes
- Find mechanical problems before they lead to costly breakdowns
- Avoid being placed out of service during a DOT roadside inspection, or being subject to infractions and fines
Understanding critical information about performing a vehicle inspection, filling out vehicle inspection forms, and knowing how pre and post trip inspections impact DOT roadside inspections, helps protect your equipment, your drivers, and your organization's reputation.
Not only do vehicle inspections make good sense – they are required. Drivers also need to know what to check on the vehicle and how to spot defects, who to call when there is a problem, and how and when to submit documentation.
A regimen of a complete pre-trip at the beginning of the day, walk-around inspection every time the vehicle is parked, and a post-trip at the end of the day is the best practice. That, coupled with a competent maintenance department, can keep your vehicles on the road, in good shape, and help keep your CSA BASIC scores low.