2024 ERG - Emergency Response Guidebook
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The 2024 ERG can help you satisfy DOT's requirement that hazardous materials shipments be accompanied by emergency response information (49 CFR 172.602). Numerically indexed and color-coded, the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook helps emergency responders find vital information fast. It's also a great tool to aid in emergency preparedness, planning, and training – for drivers and non-drivers alike.
View PHMSA's recently released Skip to Summary of Changes for the 2024 ERG.

Pocket Size, Softbound, 4" x 5-5/16"
Product Code: 72912
Multiple sizes available. Call for special pricing on large volume orders.
Shop NowEmergency Response Guidebook (ERG) FAQs
The Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) is developed by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) in conjunction with Transport Canada, Secretariat of Communication and Transport of Mexico, Argentina’s Chemical Information Center, scientists, engineers, and regulatory experts. The original intention for the ERG was to provide guidance to first responders for initial response to hazmat transportation incidents. However, now the ERG is also widely used in the transportation, manufacturing, and warehouse industries to provide guidance, meet safety requirements, and provide emergency response information in situations where chemicals are present.
What is the Emergency Response Guidebook?
The Emergency Response Guidebook, also known as the ERG, is a compact book, loaded with important lifesaving information that is used when responding to transportation emergencies involving hazardous materials.
How often is the ERG updated?
The ERG is updated every four years. The current version is the 2020 ERG with the 2024 ERG expected to be released in late Spring of 2024.
Who should have an ERG?
If your company or workers use hazardous materials in any way, you should have copies of the ERG on hand. It goes without saying that all first responders should have a copy of the ERG. The information can be used by First responders and anyone working with the hazmat to minimize the risk of injury or death in case of an incident. However, it’s also recommended that anyone that handles chemicals or anyone that ships, transports, or loads hazmat should have a copy of the ERG.
What are the changes for the 2024 ERG?
The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has released a comprehensive summary highlighting the most significant updates in the 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG). One of the most innovative changes, was the addition of a QR code that code that was incorporated into the back cover of the hard copy version of 2024 ERG, providing instant access to critical incident reporting information for first responders on the scene.
Additional changes, arranged by the color coded sections of the ERG include:
White Section:
- Removing the outdated triangular Marine Pollutant marking and yellow Division 5.2 placard from the Table of Markings, Labels, and Placards.
- Adding new descriptive text to the Road Trailer ID Chart.
- Adding a cryogenic railcar to the Railcar ID Chart.
- Adding a table to help decide whether evacuation or shelter-in-place is the best option.
- Creating a new Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents section. All Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents considerations that were found throughout the ERG are now collected in this new section. Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) are now listed based on their type and symptoms, not by their name.
- Expanding the glossary to include 14 new terms.
Yellow/Blue Section:
- Adding 11 new UN numbers and removing 8 obsolete UN numbers to harmonize the ERG with international Dangerous Goods Regulations.
- Changing the guide number to 19 materials to ensure they are assigned to the appropriate Orange guide.
- Removing the Chemical warfare agents and incorporating them into the Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents section in the White pages.
- Adding the polymerization hazard (P) to UN3302 - 2-Dimethylaminoethyl acrylate, Stabilized.
Orange Section:
- Moving the general first aid recommendations to a new General First Aid section (found before Guide 111)— keeping only material-specific recommendations in Orange guide pages.
- Adding, expanding, removing, or revising the safety and response information in 15 guides, which include guides: 115, 118, 128, 130, 131, 136, 138, 140, 147, 151, 153, 156, 159, 166, and 171.
Green Section:
- Removing the Chemical warfare agents incorporating them into the Criminal or Terrorist Use of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Agents tab in the White section.
- Revised distances in Table 1 and Table 3.
What are the ERG section colors and what do they mean?
The ERG is divided into five colored sections, which help you easily navigate through the pages and identify safety procedures when you are looking for information. The colored sections include:
- All white pages, found in the front and back of the ERG, provide information for:
- Instructions on how to use the ERG
- General safety precautions
- Notification and request for technical information
- Hazard classification
- Identification charts for markings, labels, placards, cargo tanks, and rail cars
- Fire and spill control measures
- Yellow bordered pages are arranged in order by UN or ID number and provide the guide numbers for the material.
- Blue bordered pages are arranged in order by proper shipping name and provide the guide numbers for the material.
- Orange bordered pages include the actual response guides. Each of the guides provides safety recommendations and directions on how to proceed during the initial response phase of the incident. The guides provide information for:
- Fire or explosion risks
- Health
- Protective clothing needed
- Evacuation
- Fire mitigation
- Spill or leaks
- First aid measures
- Green bordered pages provide initial evacuation or shelter in place distances (protective action distances) for spills of materials that are Toxic-by-Inhalation (TIH).
Are there any regulatory requirements to have an ERG?
Not specifically. The Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) requires anyone that ships or transports hazardous materials to provide the most current emergency response information for those materials. One of the ways to provide the emergency response information is to use the most current ERG. The ERG is a guidance document created to assist first responders during the initial phase of a hazmat accident or incident. Since it is a guidance document and not a regulatory requirement, you will not find it in the HMR.
Can I use and older version of the ERG?
Technically, yes. If you are using the ERG to satisfy the emergency response information requirements, the HMR requires you to use the most current information available and it is possible that older versions of the ERG may still have the most current information available for your material. However, every four years the ERG is updated and most of the information inside is changed in one way or another and keeping track of those changes is a monumental task. It’s recommended that you use the most current ERG available to avoid violations for outdated emergency response information.
What formats and languages does the ERG come in?
The ERG comes in soft bound and spiral formats. You also have two sizes to choose from, standard size (5-1/2” x 7-1/2”) and pocket size (4” x 5-1/2”). It is available in English and Spanish.
Is it possible to use the ERG in electronic format?
If you are using the ERG as one of the options to provide emergency response information when transporting hazardous materials, the Hazardous Materials Regulations requires that it is in hard copy (printed) format. All other uses for the ERG can be in electronic format.
Can the ERG be used to supplement safety training?
Absolutely! The ERG contains a wealth of safety information for thousands of hazardous materials and chemicals that would be an excellent fit for any safety training. For example, the orange pages of the ERG provide information on:
- Potential hazards for fire, explosion, and health
- Protective equipment that may be needed
- Recommendations on what to do for spills or leaks
- Evacuation distances
- First aid guidance
As a driver, what can I use the ERG for?
Driver’s transporting hazardous materials are present when the accident or incident occurs. Driver’s can use the information in the ERG to help keep themselves and the general public safe until first responders arrive on scene. The ERG can also be used by drivers as a backup plan in case the shipper fails to provide or provides the incorrect emergency response information for the hazardous materials being transported.
We’re a manufacturer and use chemicals in a lot of our processes, how can we utilize the ERG?
In this case, the ERG can be used to help develop safety procedures for the chemicals you use in your processes. The ERG can also be used to create an emergency response plan or quick reaction guide should you have a leak or spill.
If I’m a shipper, how do I use the ERG?
Most shippers use the ERG to provide the emergency response information that is required to be provided when shipping hazardous materials. However, shippers can also utilize the ERG to supplement safety training programs or use them to help create emergency response plans for the workplace.