- Straight bill of lading forms help you meet DOT requirements for proper documentation of hazmat shipments (49 CFR Part 172, Subpart C)
- Can be used to document either hazardous materials or non-hazardous materials commodities
- Simplified design and typewriter spacing make these bills of lading easier to complete
- Continuous or snap-out format
- Continuous forms are for use with pin-feed printers - continuous sheet with multiple plies, perforations at top & bottom to separate
- Snap-out bill of lading is single form with multiple plies, perforated stub at top of form
- 3-ply or 4-ply forms
- With carbon or carbonless
- Available in multiple size options
- Includes 5 or 12 lines for package info
- Imprinting available; call toll-free for pricing
- Made in the USA
View Sample
View a sample Straight Bill Of Lading, 8-1/2" x 7".
View a sample Straight Bill Of Lading, 8-1/2" x 11".
Compliance Topic: Injury & Illness Recordkeeping
Format: Snap-out
HM Column: Yes
HM Border: No
Need to Purchase a Case?: 1,000 per case
Industry: Transportation
Country Of Origin: USA