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J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

The CVSA’s Roadcheck 2023 results are in!

August 3, 2023

Another International Roadcheck has come and gone, offering stakeholders and industry-specific businesses a glimpse into truck/motorcoach safety performances.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA’s) three-day event from May 16-18 of this year ended in 59,429 total inspections across Mexico, the U.S., and Canada. This year, while full inspections were performed, the 2023 CVSA areas of emphasis focused on anti-lock braking (ABS) and cargo securement.

International Roadcheck 2023 results

A total of 19 percent (11,270) of inspected vehicles were removed from roadways for out-of-service (OOS) violations, while a combined total of nearly twice as many (20,151) power units, trailers, and motorcoaches/buses did not have any critical vehicle violations and were awarded a CVSA decal. A total of 5.5 percent (3,256) of commercial motor vehicle drivers inspected were removed from operating their vehicles as the result of at least one OOS driver violation. A total 5,280 driver OOS violations.

In total, there were 116,669 overall violations, including drivers and vehicles with any type of violation.

2023 focus results

With the Roadcheck 2023 focus on ABS and cargo securement, the CVSA also released results for these highlighted inspection areas. Across motorcoaches, power units, and trailers combined, inspectors reported:

  • 4,127 ABS violations, and
  • 2,975 cargo securement violations.

There were also 949 safety belt violations given to drivers not wearing seatbelts, meaning 98.4 percent of drivers were compliant with safety belt laws. Finally, of the 2,853 hazardous materials/dangerous goods inspections, inspectors found 236 out-of-service violations.

August is all about brake safety this year! Learn more about Brake Safety Week 2023 here!
Inspections by level

The 59,429 total inspection levels break down as follows:

  • Level I Inspections: 36,021
  • Level II Inspections: 12,741
  • Level III Inspections: 9,332
  • Level V Inspections: 1,335

Level I Inspections include a 37-step process that checks the driver’s credentials and the vehicle’s components while a Level II Inspection includes a walk-around driver and vehicle inspection. A Level III Inspection is administrative and checks credentials, Clearinghouse status, and hours-of-service records. Finally, a Level V Inspection is an all-inclusive vehicle inspection of all the previous items.

Top 5

Top 5 North American vehicle OOS violations:

  1. Brake systems (4,412)
  2. Tires (3,368)
  3. Defective service brakes (2,468)
  4. Cargo securement (2,171)
  5. Lights (2,015)

Top 5 North American driver OOS violations:

  1. Hours of service (2,169)
  2. False logs (1,392)
  3. Other (487)
  4. Canceled/revoked license (416)
  5. No medical card (241)

Publish Date

August 3, 2023


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