TSCA notices again being published in ChemView
March 17, 2022
On January 25, 2022, EPA resumed publishing notices of substantial risks supplied by businesses under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 8(e) to its ChemView database. EPA will pursue its ongoing effort to make non-CIB versions of TSCA notices available to the public in ChemView sooner.
According to section 8(e) of TSCA, any individual who manufactures, imports, processes, or distributes in business a chemical substance or mixture and who has evidence that those substances or mixtures are a substantial risk of harm to health or the environment must promptly notify an EPA Administrator of that information unless there is an understanding that the Administrator has already been informed.
Substantial Risk Notifications must be submitted within 30 days of gaining substantial risk information. TSCA Section 8(e) submittals are different; these can be a brief memo with partial information to a complex and detailed laboratory study report. The notices are submitted electronically through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) or in hard copy via mail delivery. When EPA receives the notice, it is uploaded to the internal Chemical Information System (CIS). This is EPA’s National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) permitted e-record system for TSCA notices.
Often, EPA risk assessors use the TSCA section 8(e) notice information in TSCA chemical risk assessment actions. Historically, data from these notices were assembled into legacy publicly available databases. In 2013, EPA developed its public-facing ChemView portal. Due to staff issues, regular publication of TSCA notices were halted in 2019. While notices remained publicly available through EPA’s Docket Center, this return to ChemView should improve access for interested members of the public.
Key to remember: EPA resumed publishing notices of substantial risks under TSCA section 8(e) to its ChemView database.
March 17, 2022
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Related TopicsToxic Substances Control Act - EPA
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