Operation Safe Driver Week is approaching!
May 16, 2024
Everyone’s favorite annual safety week is coming soon to a road near you! This year’s Operation Safe Driver Week runs from July 7-13, 2024, with a focus on reckless, careless, and/or dangerous driving.
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) schedules this safe-driving awareness campaign every year to educate drivers and create safer roadways across Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. Using traffic enforcement strategies for both passenger and commercial vehicle drivers, CVSA’s goal is to help improve overall driving behaviors. The focus on reckless driving aims to identify any person driving a vehicle with disregard for the safety of themselves or others.
Drivers should always operate a vehicle with care, attention, and consideration for other drivers and people on the roads.
What to expect from Operation Safe Driver Week 2024
Law enforcement across North America will be looking out for drivers who engage in dangerous driving behaviors. These include (but aren’t limited to):
- Speeding
- Following too closely
- Driving while intoxicated
- Distracted driving
Law officers will pull over any driver who is driving dangerously and issue citations and warnings as needed.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, vigorous enforcement helps make communications and outreach efforts toward transportation safety programs more successful. By involving officers into CVSA’s overall Operation Safe Driver Program, the agency hopes to reduce the total number of roadway crashes, fatalities, and injuries.
May 16, 2024
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TypeIndustry News
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Related TopicsEnforcement - DOT
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