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Safety & Compliance Resources

J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

Company & Careers

J. J. Keller protects people and the businesses they run. You can trust our expertise across a wide range of subjects relating to labor, transportation, environmental, and worker safety. Our deep knowledge of federal and state agencies is built on a strong foundation of more than 100 editors and consultants and 70+ years of regulatory compliance experience.

Note: When ordering Streaming Video Training Program, you will be provided a link to access the program you purchased. You will have 5 consecutive days to access the program starting from the time you click the link.

  • Streaming Video format allows trainers to conduct effective, affordable training wherever they have Internet access
  • Includes 5 days of access to the forklift safety video plus downloadable Trainer's/Instructor's Guide, quizzes and answer keys, a training log and supplemental video content
  • Program is viewable from video-capable, internet-connected mobile devices such as an iPhone and iPad, as well as most Android tablets and phones
  • Helps trainers meet the formal, practical, evaluation, and refresher training requirements of OSHA's 29 CFR Section 1926.602(d) and 1910.178(l)
  • Provides forklift operators - new and veteran - with training on key safety and operation practices
  • Workshop format reinforces learning using hands-on practice tools, exercises and learning activities

What's Included

  • 30-Minute Video that covers the following topics:
    • Forklift Basics - Types of forklifts; rear steering; turning radius; forklift capacity and nameplate information; load center; combined center of gravity and the stability triangle; controls
    • Inspecting Your Forklift - Pre-operation inspection; operational inspection
    • Picking up a Load - Mounting and dismounting; seatbelt use and tipovers; know your load (weight, dimensions, shape); steps for picking up a load
    • Traveling with a Load - Keeping the load/forks low when traveling; visibility; speed limits; floor hazards; driving on ramps and inclines with/without a load; staying safe around the edges of ramps and inclines; railroad tracks; traveling with other forklifts; stunt driving and horseplay; dealing with pedestrians and co-workers
    • Placing a Load - Looking for hazards/clearances; steps to placing a load
    • Parking a Forklift Leaving a forklift “attended” and “unattended”
    • Operating a forklift in a constantly changing environment
    • Avoiding hazards on a jobsite
    • Understanding combined center of gravity and the stability triangle
    • Reading load charts
    • Keeping the forklift and the load stable
  • Video - FAQ
  • Video - Note to Trainers
  • Video - Refueling LPG
  • Video - What's Wrong with this Picture?
  • Instructor's Guide
  • Quiz - Not Rated (with Answer Key)
  • Quiz (Easy) (with Answer Key)
  • Quiz (Moderate) (with Answer Key)
  • Quiz (Challenging) (with Answer Key)
  • Quiz (General Topics) (with Answer Key)
  • PowerPoint® Presentation
  • Images (20)
  • Posters (4)
  • Checklists (3)
  • Classroom Exercises (5)
  • Jobsite Exercises (6)
  • Obstacle Courses (5)
  • Frequently Asked Questions

To order supplemental training materials not included with the streaming video option, click on the links below. Please allow time for delivery of supplemental training materials prior to your streaming video training session.

What's Covered

After completing this program, employees will understand:

  • Types of forklifts
  • Proper forklift inspection
  • How to travel with and place a load

Compliance Topic: Forklift Safety

Industry: Construction Safety

Format: Streaming Video

Copyright Date: 2010